Me by Jeremiah





sunday night at Rumi...

loyola campus space port

Rumi, corner of hutchison and fairmount

a cd cover I did for the Aeroplane Trio from the old (sugar refinery).

My birthday invitation poster from my 40th.

A drawing of Montreal i did for my 40th birthday

a slight disturbance, backstage at studio 303, benny and fritz.

26 reasons to learn karate.
This was my yearly submission to Pindemonium 6 . Pindemonium is a forum for creative types to meet and trade their art which has been put on 1"1/4 pins. Very Fun.
Said morning rain
makes a lullaby singing
nineteen seventies
Sometimes Montreal
vanishes behind this light
grey moment rain sound

This was an actual video of me moments after waking up in Paris. There was a construction site next door that occasionally did not let me sleep past 9. The sounds are actually happening as i filmed. It's true.

Stefan Pelechatay

Mohammed and Philippe

Coco et Philippe

the call

in between storms

a drawing from my first visit to Paris.

this is from around 1997, vancouver.

this is my promo from my last presentation at studio 303 called horsey!

Adieu false heart

some images from my performance "Adieu false heart" which i presented at "Piss in the Pool", a yearly choreographic event here in montreal at the abandoned Bain St Michel pool. photographed by

me at marcus et maudes

Rumi as a plastic cathedral